How Many WordPress Posts Can I Create? On a WordPress site, there is no limit to how many posts you can publish. You can write more than 100,000 posts, and it still ranks well. Growing a big site can be hard, so it’s important to know what can go wrong when you have a lot of post on your WordPress site to manage their ranking according to to focus keywords.
NOTE: It is difficult to control the target keywords of each page when there are thousands of WordPress articles. Because Google ranks a page for a single keyword, website owners may make the error of ranking many posts for a single keyword.
Mohd Ozair
What Is WordPress Post?
A WordPress post is the content of an article on your site that is part of the blog on your site. A WordPress post is a piece of content that is written in the order that it will be published and can be sorted as categories. On a blog, posts can also be “featured,” which means that they will always be shown first, no matter when they were written.
You can have as many posts and/or pages that you want. There is no limit on the number of posts or pages that can be created.
Difference Between Post and Page in WordPress
Posts and pages are the two types of content that come with WordPress by default. Even though they look the same in WordPress, they do different things for your website.
WordPress Posts: Using posts, you can make blog posts, articles, and other content that will show up on your blog page. They are listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent content at the top.
Pages in WordPress: One-time” pieces of information like your “About” page, “Privacy Policy” page, “Contact” page, and more. Even though the date the page was published is stored in the WordPress database, pages are always there.