Google updates the Search Analytics API with support for Google News

Search Analytics API now supports Discover, Google News, and Regex

Site owners with this type of traffic can already see data about Search, Discover, and Google News in the Google Search Console 01 Performance reports. Users have been asking for this information to be included in the Search Analytics API since we debuted the Discover and Google News performance reports. We are excited to inform you that this will take place today.

The searchType parameter, which previously allowed you to filter API calls by news, video, picture, and web, will be renamed to type, and two new parameters will be added: discover (for Google Discover) and googleNews (for Google News).

One of the most often requested new features in Google’s Search Analytics API is the ability to pull data from Google News & Discover.

This data is already reported in Search Console , but it has been strangely omitted from the Search Analytics API until recently.

Additionally, the API will be enhanced to include support for Regex in query and page dimensions.

Here’s more on the upcoming modifications to Google’s Search Console service for advanced users.

Two new arguments have been added to the search type parameter, which has been changed to ‘type.’

  • discover: for data from Google Discover
  • googleNews: for data from Google News

The following is an example of how they appear in the API:

Search Analytics API now supports Discover, Google News
Screenshot from, 25 October 2021.

All previously enabled parameters, such as news, video, image, and web, are still supported via the Search Analytics API.

Some metrics and dimensions in the Search Console performance reports are compatible with specific data formats.

The Google Discover report, for example, does not support queries or positions because no query is necessary for Google to return the content.

If you request a dimension that the API doesn’t provide, you’ll get an error message.

Google Support For Regex

The query and page dimensions in Google’s Search Analytics API now accept Regex.

To the existing match operations, two additional operators will be added: including regex and excludingRegex.

Regex functionality was only added to Google Search Console this year, thus this is a relatively quick update compared to the time it took the API to include Discover data.

Do I Need To Use This?

Are you reading this as someone who hasn’t used the Search Analytics API but is considering it?

That depends on how happy you are with the results you’re getting from Google Search Console’s normal version.

The Search Analytics API accesses the same data as the Search Analytics API, but it allows you to do more with it.

Months of historical data can be extracted and analyzed using custom filters.

Furthermore, the entire process may be automated, ensuring that the data is available when you need it.

The Search Analytics API is unquestionably useful, but there’s no reason to be concerned about missing out on data if you don’t use it.

It also has a significant disadvantage for most users, namely the lack of a graphical user interface. Writing code is the only way to interact with the tool.

You can then decide whether or not the Search Analytics API is good for you.

Search Analytics API FAQ's

Millions of websites use Google Analytics. To prevent the system from getting more data than it can manage and to maintain an equitable distribution of system resources, we set limitations and quotas on API requests. Limits and quotas can be changed at any time.

Basic Google Analytics is free, and the company is attempting to discourage abuse by directing heavy users to its premium service.

Limits and Quotas on API Requests

Click the ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES button in the Dashboard view, then look for the Analytics API. Click the “Enable” button at the top to enable the “Analytics API.” Then click Credentials, then Create Credentials, and pick OAuth client ID from the drop-down menu.

Mohd Ozair

OzairWebs is a free WordPress and SEO resource Web Development company. The main goal of this site is to provide quality tips, tricks, hacks, and Web Development Services that allow WordPress beginners to improve their sites.